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Question:anyone know a sight where i could find the meaning of my last name? it is very origional and i cannot find it anywhere...its Harps..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: anyone know a sight where i could find the meaning of my last name? it is very origional and i cannot find it anywhere...its Harps..

This is all had to say about the name,
German: patronymic from Harp 4
hope this helps.

its possible your ancestors just made it up and there is no meaning

It may very well be original, at least if you are in North America. Or it might also have been invented if you're European. Surnames are not that old of an invention.
Many of my ancestors did not use a surname (they were Dutch), and suddenly, when the English took over New Amsterdam, they all were forced to invent a standard one.

Other times, spelling was changed to make it easier to relate to all the other people from different cultures who had migrated here.

If you hit any genealogical web sites, I suggest you use the "fuzzy-search" or "soundex" function. Good luck.

Yes your last name, probably stemmed from Germany.