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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am trying to trace my ex manager .her name is CHRISTINE CORRIGAN.?

Question:she worked within .HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE .

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: she worked within .HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE .

search 'people search' and you will get some services that allow you to do a name and address for free. If you want to investigate them, you have to pay a fee.

I've put names of my family and friends in the search, and found them every time.

Try friends reunited

anna, where is your friends and co workers can help you track by area as well

And you expect her to answer this question or something?

This is genealogy. We research DEAD ancestors. We do not research the living or post publicly informaiton on the living as it is unethical and is a violation of privacy and can expose them to evil misdoings of others like identity theft and such.

There are some Christina Corrigans on, but you would have to pay to get addresses.