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Position:Home>Genealogy> If someone was looking for a sister?

Question:what is the first step to try and find someone
you never met ?

i have a sister i never met and i know little about
her family
my brother tryed a few years ago and
hit a dead end

where could i start ?
i only know her name and her mothers maiden name


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what is the first step to try and find someone
you never met ?

i have a sister i never met and i know little about
her family
my brother tryed a few years ago and
hit a dead end

where could i start ?
i only know her name and her mothers maiden name


it helps if you know the year she was born & its great you have the mothers maiden name,

have you tried any of the groups for her Mothers maiden name ? it means you can either join the group or just search the old messages from the particular group,

what country are you researching her in ?

if in the UK you could check & see if she Married ?

also its all according when she was born as well..

My Niece has the same problem, she is trying to find her sister who was adopted at birth, but she was registered under her Mothers maiden name when she was born in 1975..

Good luck

I've found countless people using MySpace, including my Bio-father and siblings. Don't give up. There are message boards and sites such as MySpace. Set up a profile and start searching.
Good Luck