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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does my sister have more German blood then me in her?

Question:My sister and I have been fighting over this for awhile now. She is my full sister and we have the same parents, but she has the German body and I have the Spanish. She is tall, heavier, bigger breast, and blonder, while I'm short, skinny and flat. She thinks that we have inherited different amounts of those cultures, that even though most of our family came from Germany, she could be like 50% German and I could be like 12%. I think that the German side in her is just showing stronger then the other sides. And if it helps, we're Scottish, German, Spanish, Swedish, Irish, Polish and Dutch.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My sister and I have been fighting over this for awhile now. She is my full sister and we have the same parents, but she has the German body and I have the Spanish. She is tall, heavier, bigger breast, and blonder, while I'm short, skinny and flat. She thinks that we have inherited different amounts of those cultures, that even though most of our family came from Germany, she could be like 50% German and I could be like 12%. I think that the German side in her is just showing stronger then the other sides. And if it helps, we're Scottish, German, Spanish, Swedish, Irish, Polish and Dutch.

If you are biological sisters having the same parents, you would both be equal in all your ancestry. The difference comes in through genetics. While she may have inherited the dominant genes for the "German" looks, that doesn't make her any more German than you are, Both parents contribute one gene for each trait you both have, If both parents carry one recessive and one dominant gene for a particular trait, there are 3 possible combinations of genes passed on to the child.
1. 2 dominant genes, one from each parent
2. 1 dominant gene and one recessive gene
3. 2 recessive genes, one from each parent.

If one of the parents has 2 dominant or 2 recessive genes, that cuts down the possibilities.

lol...she may have more of the german traits, but you still have the same blood...same parents, same blood...she's just trying to make you mad

Being that you're full sisters, then the amount of heritage that you have in you is exactly the same. There's no way around it. It just comes down to the dna that you both have.

Also keep in mind that unless you are identical twins or something, you're going to look different. Be it subtle or drastic. Mother Nature is tricky like that.

You both are equal, but if it makes you feel any better, let her know she is a mutt. She is just trying to be mean.

If you have the same parents then you both have the same combo. She just has more German like traits but she is no more German than you. I am the same way. My Father is Mexican and my Mother Irish. My Sister totally looks Mexican, almost full blooded and me I look Irish and Native America, some even say a little Filipino...go figure. We just inherited different traits but our blood is the same. So you can safely tell your Sister she is crazy hehe!

Naw, the only way she could have more German blood than you were if she was bigger than you and physically had more blood.

Not every German is blonde, blue-eyed and tall. I'd say you're just as much German, Scotch, Spanish, Swedish, Irish, Polish and Dutch as she is.

You must have some very interesting meals around your house.

Germans can be divided into "nordic" people, who are taller, lighter skinned and haired, and have longer skulls, and "alpine" people, who are GENERALLY shorter, darker and have broader skulls. These are generalizations, and there are so many variations in a nationality that it doesn't even make sense to worry about it!

No way. You might have some other traits from your German ancestors she doesn't have. Being blonde and with a particular type of body doesn't in itself define a person. Who knows her blonde hair and size might come from the little bit of Swedish. Even though the parent that has the Swedish in them might not be blonde and the same size, he/she could carry recessive genes that were passed on to your sister.

You both get 50-50 autosomal DNA from both parents. That is what most of your DNA is. Neither of you got your father's Y DNA but you both got your mother's mitrochondrial DNA.

Given that she is tall, heavier and bigger breasted than you, I would suspect she has quite a bit more blood than you have.

Seriously, you have this preconceived notion of what "german" is. But just look at any picture on the net from somewhere in Germany and you will see all sorts of different types of people. And all German! There really is no "typical German".

The way you describe your sister is the "Aryan-look" that Adolf Hitler was trying to accomplish--he thought--by killing off the Jews. He thought that by getting rid of these shorter, darker people that it would "purify" the German race. However, 6 million people died for nothing--he didn't achieve his perfect race.