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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is 'Póg mo thóin' Irish or Gaelic.?

Question:Yes. It is both. Gaelic is the traditional language of Ireland. You may also call it Irish. Sometimes one will hear a reference to Irish Gaelic or Scottish Gaelic. There are a few words that are different and the spelling conventions of Scottish Gaelic have been somewhat simplified.

If you are not sure what a language is called you might not want to go around telling people to kiss your derierre in that language.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes. It is both. Gaelic is the traditional language of Ireland. You may also call it Irish. Sometimes one will hear a reference to Irish Gaelic or Scottish Gaelic. There are a few words that are different and the spelling conventions of Scottish Gaelic have been somewhat simplified.

If you are not sure what a language is called you might not want to go around telling people to kiss your derierre in that language.

Yes, it's Irish Gaelic.