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Position:Home>Genealogy> Have you ever found any good contacts from Genes reunited?

Question:I found a distant cousin who sent me photos of my great great great grandma and her family. Found I had a great great great grandad in Broadmoor (he sent me the news article). And another contact who told me my great great grandad was a famous magician and ventriloquist

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I found a distant cousin who sent me photos of my great great great grandma and her family. Found I had a great great great grandad in Broadmoor (he sent me the news article). And another contact who told me my great great grandad was a famous magician and ventriloquist

I have found Genesreunited a fantastic forum to find lost relatives & even managed 2 find distant Cousin & we have started out own Yahoo group for our tree to share & are going great guns now thanks to genes, I also managed to find a distant Cousin on my Maiden name from Buckinghamshire & she sent me photo's of my 4x great grandfather, well worth joing & paying the yearly fee, brilliant..

No...Not as yet.

no load of rubbish

i have found my mums aunty who she lost contact with years ago and also several of her cousins who she hasnt seen for years... my mum was very happy that i'd managed to contact them so i would say i've been quite sucessfull on there.

I had a distant cousin contact me from my mothers side, but i cannot contact anyone. ;o(

I haven't got a credit or debit card to upgrade with.

Too much temptation to get myself in debt.

I have been with Genes for a couple of yours now. I have had many interesting contacts with 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th cousins!

The best contact happened recently. I was researching my wife's tree and made contact with a 3rd cousin, she informed us that my wife's great grand aunt is still alive aged 98. This one contact alone increased the tree significantly.

Yes, after years of searching for a missing uncle I found a second cousin in Australia who kindly filled me in on the entire family history, and filled in loads of puzzling gaps in the information I DID have. Great !!!

I did find two distant relatives but as with some people on Genes reunited they wanted my information and were not willing to share their own.

I made them aware that they both had a major part of our family history wrong as I had all the paper and certificates to prove it, they took no notice and are still sharing that wrong information with others.

I am no longer on that site for that reason, I have researched for over 20 years and its cost me a lot of money, l don't mind sharing my info as long as I get something in return.

I do think there have been more successes on that site than failures though.

Yes, Just I have made contact with some one working on my tree from another angle.

several: from a seventh cousin once removed in Australia to the great grandaughter of my grandmothers sister and many second cousins.. I have had soooo much information from them all. If you have not made contact with a realtive of some kind then you probably have not put enough of your tree in yet.

Yes, have found connections to 4 different sides of the family, and linked up with distant cousins. Am meeting one for the first time next week.