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Position:Home>Genealogy> What does the actual McKinnon tarton look like?

Question:I know the Teeswater clan has banded together with such names as Ripley, MacDonald, Mowbray,Dickie and Grant; is there a tartan print specific to McKinnon ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know the Teeswater clan has banded together with such names as Ripley, MacDonald, Mowbray,Dickie and Grant; is there a tartan print specific to McKinnon ?

Look at this website, They are beautiful colors here

do a google search on tartans

im not sure

You'll likely find different ones within the clans......

Hunting, dress, ancient modern......also of course are you McKinnon or MacKinnon?

My name is Gordon w/over 100 stuff! Good Luck.

there are some sites that will tel you what tarten goes with what name,and if you have a clan connected with your name.

I dont know whether this site is going to be of any use to you , but it might.

Hope this helps.

Clan Kinnon have many different tartans depending on region, activity, etc.

A really nice website for the Kinnon tartans is here:

Hope this helps! :)