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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where did the last name Altiz originate from?

Question:My grandmother's last name was "Altizer" but her father's was "Altiz". The "er" got added to it. What country did this probaly come from? We think she was Puerto Rican but we are not sure. We heard also that she could've possibly been El Salvadorian. Also, NO, it is NOT German. She was Hispanic, not white.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My grandmother's last name was "Altizer" but her father's was "Altiz". The "er" got added to it. What country did this probaly come from? We think she was Puerto Rican but we are not sure. We heard also that she could've possibly been El Salvadorian. Also, NO, it is NOT German. She was Hispanic, not white.

my step sisters last name is atliz and i kno for a fact it came frum peru

well the name is spanish so you could be right that the name came from a latin american country. it, however, is impossible to find the exact country of origin for your family without first names or at least dates.
here is a small explanation for the name