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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I find out where a deceased person is buried?

Question:I know when the person passed away, but have no idea where they are buried. Suggestions for finding this information are welcome.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know when the person passed away, but have no idea where they are buried. Suggestions for finding this information are welcome.

It depends where you are in the world if you are in the USA, I would try this site if I were you. Could you edit your question and tell us the location you are searching for the grave.
Hope this helps.

If They're Famous Try and type in their name

cant really help ya if their not

try talking to local cemetaries

This information is on the person's death certificate (if they died in the last century or so.)

So get a copy of the death certificate from the jurisdiction where the person died.

Get the death certificate which usually contains place of burial.