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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I get in touch with the St.Lucian registrars offices?

Question:Trying to look into my family history, I know that there will be different offices for the different districts but I don't even know where my Grandparents got married!

Any numbers, email addresses would be of great help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Trying to look into my family history, I know that there will be different offices for the different districts but I don't even know where my Grandparents got married!

Any numbers, email addresses would be of great help!

the chief registrars number is given as
001 758 453 1916
The central library is at :-
Micould Street
St Lucia.
some other records are kept at other places:-

St Mary’s College (boys, RC), from 1897.
St Joseph’s Convent, Castries, from 1952.
RC primary schools, Castries, from 1952.
Anglican infant schools, Castries, from 1906.
Anglican primary schools, Castries, from 1929.
Methodist primary school, Castries, from 1954.

Anglican Church registers
Holy Trinity, Castries, from 1825.
Christchurch, Soufrière, from 1833.

Methodist Church register
The Manse, Castries, from 1948 (earlier ones destroyed by fire).

Roman Catholic registers
Mostly collected at the Bishop’s House, Castries.
Records: Anse-la-Raye from 1812; Castries from 1818; Dennery from 1838; Gros Islet from 1838; Laborie from 1828; Micould from 1896; Soufrière from 1770; Vieux Fort from 1793. There are earlier registers from the mid-18th century, copies of which may be at the Bishop’s House.

Hope this is of help

St Lucia
St Lucia National Archives, PO Box 3060, Clarke St, Vigie, Castries, St Lucia, tel: (758) 452-1654, e-mail:
Registrar of Civil Status, Peynier Street, Castries, St Lucia, tel: (758) 452-1257

hope this helps.