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Position:Home>Genealogy> FAMILY TREE HELP PLEASe? are their any websites where it is free?

Question:to search the records ie bdm etc and so forth as most of them ask for a subscription fee or to buy credits. any help or advice please! thanks to all x x

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: to search the records ie bdm etc and so forth as most of them ask for a subscription fee or to buy credits. any help or advice please! thanks to all x x

Yes; try these:
Free sites: there are several to choose from. Start with:

Assuming they emigrated from Europe, start with Ellis Island and the Battery Conservancy sites:

Also, our local library has a subscription to and, free for all; plus books, periodicals and a volunteer to help a person to use the research materials.

In addition, if you know where a person was born, married, died, you can usually access some information on the web from the local courthouse.
Also, there are genealogical societies for the most common surnames (and a lot of others!) as well as genealogical societies for various counties and all of the States.
So, once you get started, it won't be where to find the information, but how can you find the time to process it.

go on google for help.

try this site it might be helpful

IGI. mormon family link is alright
isle of mull family history site
local family history volunteer groups
other than that . nope.

i have tried this myself you put so much information in then, they tell you there is a charge, friends & family reunited says on tv advert that it is free, but it isn't sorry i can't help. is the best - free searching & free software. Best of luck!

Type in Free Genealogy and many will come up.

Family search is free. It is suppose to have more information than any other sites.

Also USGenWeb.

Thanks for the question.

The previous answers are all correct, so i wont repeat them. However i have a membership to Ancestry .co. uk and am willing to search for you if you let me know what you want to know. I need names and dates (even approximate ones ) and regions.
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