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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is my nationality lacava?

Question:Your nationality is the country of which you are a citizen. Your ethnicity, at least part of it, is probably Italian. However, that is not all of your ethnicity if your mother is not Italian and/or your paternal grandmother was not Italian etc. I have a feeling you have other ethcnicity because if all your people were Italian you would be raised to know that.

The best thing to do is to trace your family starting with yourself and working back. Anytime you wish to do this, there are lots of good people on this board that will give you some great tips and advice. Just ask.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Your nationality is the country of which you are a citizen. Your ethnicity, at least part of it, is probably Italian. However, that is not all of your ethnicity if your mother is not Italian and/or your paternal grandmother was not Italian etc. I have a feeling you have other ethcnicity because if all your people were Italian you would be raised to know that.

The best thing to do is to trace your family starting with yourself and working back. Anytime you wish to do this, there are lots of good people on this board that will give you some great tips and advice. Just ask. says it's Italian

Best I can tell is that Lacava is of Italian origin. At least that's where most immigrants with the surname Lacava came from. Whether that is their true "home" or if they just immigrated via Italy I don't know.