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Position:Home>Genealogy> Have you ever found out something interesting about your first or last name?

Question:Or have you googled your name and found out someone with your last name to have very similar interest as yours for example you like photograpy and artistic stuff then you google your name and a famous photograper from the other side of the world pops up?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Or have you googled your name and found out someone with your last name to have very similar interest as yours for example you like photograpy and artistic stuff then you google your name and a famous photograper from the other side of the world pops up?
Yes. In fact it has to do with a story I 've read about a mysterious lady that claimed that she was called as I do, only that her first name was Anna.
Our last name is not very common and it is a Greek one.
That Anna, met on a train and seduced an English archaelogist James Mellaart and drived him to a place in Smyrna - izmir in Turkey where they were artifacts dug up from a place northwest Turkey from two royal tombs of the Yortan, neighbors of the Trojans. She did not allowed him to take photos and Mellaart made some drawings which later published of the priceless so - called Dorak treasure. That brought to world's interest Catalhoyuk which is considered to bethe "world's oldest urban civilization. In any way Mellaart tried to find Anna again but she had vanished and the treasure also. Her name did not existed and nobody knew her. Turkey expelled him suspicions rose against him of stealing the treasure.
It could really be a script for a mystery movie: (According to the Dorak Affair - by Kenneth Pearson & Patricia ConorScene)#1: Mellaart is traveling on a train in Turkey. An attractive Greek woman takes the seat across from him wearing what appears to be an authentic ancient bracelet which Mellaart, who is a specialist in Trojan artifacts, notices. He gets into a conversation with her, the beautiful Anna Papastrati, & finds out she has more of it at home.

Scene #2: Mellaart completely changes his plans & gets off the train with Anna. There's an all night carriage ride through a misty fog so he does not know exactly where they are.

Scene #3: They arrive at her home where she stuns him with an incredible display of Trojan artifacts: bracelets, necklaces, figurines, etc. She won't let him take any photos but he is allowed to draw the pieces. They part.

Scene #4: Mellaart returns to England & receives a strange letter from her in which she complains that he seemed more interested in the artifacts than he was with her but she does give him permission to use the drawings.

Scene #5: Mellaart writes to her but there is no answer. He decides to visit her again & goes to the address on the letter. He arrives in the town only to find out there is no one living at the address. Furthermore, NO ONE in the town knows anything about the mysterious lady. She has just completely disappeared!
Meanwhile, Mellaart has published his drawings but is unable to located the real items. This eventually causes Mellaart to have a falling out with the Turkish government as they become very suspicious of him & the lost Trojan artifacts. He is not allowed to excavate until -- Cut to 32 yrs. later.

Scene #6: 1995. a team of professionals are again excavating at Catal Huyuk.

That's interesting isn't it?
The only real thing thats interesting about my surname came about due to a racist nurse around sixty years ago who wasn't exactly fond of Jewish people and more to the point when my father was born this was why his last name was changed to what it is now hence what is interesting.
I found out a couple of years ago, from someone with the same first and middle name, that our mothers named us after a bra that was popular in 1956! May not be interesting, but it was certainly surprising to me!
Yes, yes, yes!!

I've always wondered, and just found out this year.

The name means "glen of oaks" like a group of oak trees.

I thought it was really cool. (Epically with the other things we thought it might mean.)