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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can i find info on Lee H. Oswalds daughters?

Question:Even if they still had the same name, they are living individuals, and finding information on them would be difficult at best.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Even if they still had the same name, they are living individuals, and finding information on them would be difficult at best.
You can't. They changed their names and don't grant interviews. They didn't pick their father. They deserve their privacy.

How about Paris Hilton, instead? You can find more than you ever wanted to know about her. Every week or so an offer to see her naked sneaks through my spam filter, even.
Ted's right. The Oswald family members were victims of circumstance. They're not "public figures", as defined under Sullivan v NY Times and they have a right to privacy. Our curiosity not withstanding, let the family have their peace.