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Position:Home>Genealogy> What do you think a Czech-German baby would look like?

Question:And what should it's name be?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: And what should it's name be?
Gorgeous need I say more.
The baby would look pretty much like any other Caucasian baby.
Name the child any name you like.
It would be super cute.
idk about the name.
It depends entirely on the parents. I think a Good name would be one that exist in both languages, try finding one.
A natural born killer.
Like Dipsy the Tellytubby, at least until the spike hardened.
Might as well call it Flossy Turd.
Toothless and bald...just like all babies.
Call her a very German name like Saftey Goggles.
Small, soft skin and hair, no teeth, not much hair, big cheeks. But don't worry the child will grow, it's hair will grow and the teeth will come in.

As for a name, that is up to the parents.