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Position:Home>Genealogy> Cefnllogell monmouthshire?

Question:where is this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: where is this?
Monmouthshire is in Wales, I am unsure as to where Cefnllogell is though, using this link in the search box that says address, town, postcode I typed in the the two places, It came up with monmouthshire, then I typed in Cefnllogell, that showed the place being closer to Swansea, than Newport, so it possibly isn't the one the other lady suggested, using the link posted below you try it and see what you think.|ce...
Hope this helps.
Well the first word sounds Welsh and the second word could be and English county so I'd say on the Welsh border
there's one in or near Newport Wales a racing stable. I think you'll find that's two words Cefn Llogell