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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do you trace your family tree, if you live in Canada?

Question:You guys have the Canadian Gen Web, which is like our US Gen Web but not as populated.

Roots Web World Connect and the Mormons are good too.

Cyndi's List has a raft of Canadian sites.

The resolved questions have lots of links and tips.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You guys have the Canadian Gen Web, which is like our US Gen Web but not as populated.

Roots Web World Connect and the Mormons are good too.

Cyndi's List has a raft of Canadian sites.

The resolved questions have lots of links and tips.
It doesn't matter where you live. It matters where you are looking. Are your ancestors in Canada or the U.S. or where?
If you can give us a little more detail we'll be better able to help you.
try been a great help to me.
It depends on the following:

Which province(s)...they're all different. The further west you go, the harder the tracking before 1920.

Which nationalities? French-Canadians and UEL descendents are the easiest. Irish immigrants from the 1800s are the hardest.

Which religion(s)? Those that believe in infant baptism are easier to trace than those that don't. When you get back before 1920, you have to include religious records in your search.

Privacy laws make anything less than 90 years old hard to track. Census records are hit and miss, especially once you get west of Ontario. Acadians are the best documented group, followed closely by the French-Canadians (Quebecois) and United Empire Loyalists (UEL...the Americans who were expelled after the American Revolution for being loyal to the Crown).

Once you get to Alberta and Manitoba, it's almost impossible to get far on the internet. You'll need to actually find a research partner up there if you're to get anywhere.