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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do u get a boy to ask u out when you like him?

Question:i want to know how a boy to ask you out because i like a boy named Cole Tyler Benson

P.S my name is Taylor Mae Johnson

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i want to know how a boy to ask you out because i like a boy named Cole Tyler Benson

P.S my name is Taylor Mae Johnson
Well, if he sees this, he will know you like him, but if he don't, why don't you ask him out? I've asked men out before, and they say yes. Some guys a shy.
You may have just solved your own problem. If you're allowed to date, why not ask him out? Be casual. Ask him if he'd like to have dinner or see a movie with you sometime and if he says no, not the end of the world. If he says no and then tells everyone, he's a jerk and you're lucky you found out. Good luck.
Approach him like you would a puppy; keep your voice low, don't make any sudden moves, offer him food. Have your mom pack you some oatmeal cookies with raisins. At lunch, ask him if he'd like them, and pretend you don't. Repeat every other day or two. Sooner or later he's going to start feeling like paying back the favor, so he'll ask you out for pizza or walk you home or something.
Here's how the pretty girls do it: FIrst they behave in a way that is appealing. Then when the boy starts showing interest, they qualify them up to their standards as though they're so much greater. They're just framing things to seem like they're really a challenge, even when they really like them in return, and they make themselves a prize to the view of the other party. Thus they make the person really feel they've earned something when they start to reciprocate affection. The chase is pretty fun as well for the chaser. Make sure you have other things you like other than this boy otherwise you won't be able to behave as stated.
I dont think its a good idea to tell ur name on yahoo hunney. or his. but just be nice to him get the courage and do it.
why is this in the genealogy questions?
Is he alive or dead? Genealogy is the study of ancestors (family trees). I think you ask the wrong group.