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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is it true that Jemima Boone was not Daniel Boone's real daughter?

Question:My mother can trace her line back to Flanders Callaway and Jemima Boone, daughter of Daniel Boone, which I always thought was incredibly cool. But I've recently heard that Jemima was not actually the real daughter of Daniel Boone. I heard that one time when Daniel Boone was gone for nearly two years, he was assumed dead, and his wife Rebecca began a relationship with his brother, and Jemima came out of this relationship. Is that true?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My mother can trace her line back to Flanders Callaway and Jemima Boone, daughter of Daniel Boone, which I always thought was incredibly cool. But I've recently heard that Jemima was not actually the real daughter of Daniel Boone. I heard that one time when Daniel Boone was gone for nearly two years, he was assumed dead, and his wife Rebecca began a relationship with his brother, and Jemima came out of this relationship. Is that true?
Well, not sure about that one, whom and were did you run across this information and was it documented? Which brother of Daniel are they claiming? as far as I know Jemima Boone IS the daughter of Daniel and Rebecca, most documents and stories seem to support this as well, I'm also related to the Boone's tell me where you found this and together we might be able to figure this one out I will keep searching. I do know that Daniel and Edward Boone seemed to have somewhat of a small feud between each other but it was put aside as the family moved into Kentucky b/c they knew it was better to protect each others families then to fight with one another. Also Jemima Boone-Callaway named her last son Daniel Boone Callaway so why would she do that if she wasn't the daughter of Daniel Boone?

Edit: Just ran across this on Boone family forum, Nathan Boone seems to indicate what your saying but I think proving it will be something, as Ted Pack said DNA would not prove as Edward Boone and Daniel Boone are brothers, when Becky says "Neddy" she is refering to Edward Boone, Daniel brother who was killed in Kentucky he is one of my connections to the Boone's don't know if its true or not, best bet is to find the "My Father, Daniel Boone, The Draper Interviews with Nathan Boone," Neal O. Hammon, 1999. Since it would appear that Nathan Boone was stating Jemima's Boones father as Edward "Neddy" Boone
here is what I found you might contact the person who submitted it and see what they have by way of documentation etc...
Nobody knows, and even DNA would not tell.

The Boone surname page at GenForum has lots of discussion on the topic. This one is particularly germane: