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Family tree?

How do I change a compressed gencom file to a regular gencom file?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The compression is unrelated to the gedcom file other than that was the file that was compressed.

What you need is an "uncompression" program. Probably the file was compressed with some form of zip.

Assuming you are running windows, just try double clicking on the file. That will probably fire up "WinZip" and you just select the file for extraction. There are a number of other compression methods but zip is the most common. But your file is really a gedcom file that has been compressed (just like any other file could be) rather than a compressed gedcom file - which seems to imply a different format than a "regular" gedcom file. umm u could try copying and re-pasting the whole thing on to a regualr gencom file all i could think of sorry