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Position:Home>Genealogy> Find biography for Walter McMillen born 24/11/1913?


Find biography for Walter McMillen born 24/11/1913?

Wallter McMillen was originally from Northern Ireland he was a footballer and went on to play for Man Utd among other teams before war and then when war broke out he came back to NI and worked as an electrician while playing for Linfield. He then went back to England to play football and later retired and returned to NI. He died in 1987. I would like to find out a bit of personal history about this man ie if he married, children he might have etc as I have recently found out he is a relation and would be interested to find out about his family. Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There's a bit about him here

EDIT The best thing to do, especially since you know when he died, is to look up his obituary which should give that sort of info.. If you know where he was living you could also look up the deaths notice and 'return thanks' in the local newspaper I've tried "Googling" various things without any success.
Maybe you could find something by contacting Man United Football Club to see what information they have among their archives?
The other possibility - to write to the Manchester newspaper (just ask Google for that and it should come up with contact details). Address your letter to "The Readers' Letters Column" and ask the same question; there will probably be some football fans just itching to pass on their knowledge!
There is a Stuart A. McMillen living in Manchester if that's any help. Plus another 186 people with that surname scattered throughout the UK.