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Position:Home>Genealogy> If, in the future, they finally invented a time machine what trip would you want


If, in the future, they finally invented a time machine what trip would you want to take?

Personally, I would want to trace my roots (both paternal and maternal) as far as I could. It would be so exciting to see all your ancestors and to talk to them, if possible.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: they day before my dad passed away
the day i started highschool
the day i met my current boyfriend
the day i met my first love
then to the 20's in ny and the 70's

thats it!!
good question I believe I would go back to 1991 and not get married, but I like your idea too. Go back to the Garden of Eden and slap the hell out of Eve. Yes it would be great to do that but i would also like to go to 323 BC 125BC 15 AD 1540,1665,1781,1880,1901,1922,... and decide which other years i would like to go to after i have traveled to all these years. I would want to go back to happy times, and do things different and visit places I have not had the opportunity to do!! My thoughts exactly! Some years back, I was tracing my ancestry, and I thought, what a trip it would be, if I could go back in a time machine, and actually see my grandparents when they were young, just married. Then, I could go back, and see their parents, as they were young and starting out in life and what life was like for them. Wouldn't that be something? I think that would be so wonderful!

It would be great if I could talk to them. But, I think I would be hanged as a witch if I talked to them...especially if I told them I was their grandchild, or great grandchild, or great, great grandchild, etc. Can you imagine someone from our future trying to convince us that they were our great, great, great grandchild? Would we believe them? i would probably go back to da time i did dumb stuff and fix it :) It is not a good idea to meet your ancestors as you may alter the course of history and suddenly find you cease to exist back in your own time :-).

But jokes aside, I am still in awe of that period of Classical Greece, 5th and 4th century BCE, during which most of foundations of what we understand to be "western civilization" was laid down. Look at the link below to see why I think that period was a near-miracle. Some of the core concepts, methodologies, beliefs and norms that we take for granted saw their first light then. Among them are the rule of law (and not of men), individual freedom, scientific evidence, mathematical proof, philosophy, psychological drama, epic poems, naturalistic art, citizen militia, etc. What was responsible for this outpouring of originality and creativity? I'd like to go in a time-machine to unobtrusively find out, being exceedingly careful not to interfere in even the smallest way. well Id take a trip further into the future to see what has become of our civilization .. not to mention all the gadgets and technology that will exist. I would love to be in the mountains of Franche-Comte in the middle of the 18th century. It was a wonderful time when they were almost as much Swiss as they were French. There was no rumbling of a Revolution; and my grandmother's family was living in a little artisan's village on top of a mountain. I'd love to be there to learn all their trades...and particularly the lace making and woodcarving. Then I could come back and pass it on to my kids. i would go back and see my family hopefuly with some anti biotics , food clothes and money for them
they would most likely think i was barking mad though I would travel back in time 3,500 years and land right in front of the Pyramids at Giza. I have always had a fascination with this time period and Egypt in particular. I would go everywhere - Karnak, Memphis, Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens. I would visit stone masons to watch how they built the coffins of a pharaoh - some bodies were placed in 2 coffins and placed in a stone sarcophagus in the tomb, with one of these coffins being solid gold. I would visit the glass makers and jewelry makers. I would wish I had a parasol to deflect the hot rays of the sun. I would go back prior to the thirty years war and save the family history that was destroyed during that war. The birth place of an ancestor who was taken as a prisoner of war, to what is now Germany, in 160 A.D., was destroyed along with hundreds of years of records. I think it would be interesting to know where he originated.
Then I would visit the places of other ancestors and soak up all the family history I could that is missing in my family history book. I think it would be a more interesting way of getting that information. I'd want to take several trips:
*Back to certain instances of my mother's childhood
*Back to my first day of elementary school
*Back to grandparents wedding or my parents Time Machines HAVE been invented they are called Videos.
Where you program in the Present, to record in the Future and watch in the Past.
However, I think you mean Time Travel Machine.
You would only be able to travel back to the past but I like my life as is I don't want to go back to find that my ancestors may have squandered a king's ransom away or denounced a peerage or that my forebears were rapist and pillagers.
Or shipped off to Botany Bay in Australia.