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Position:Home>Genealogy> If your family had been the Royal family, what would the reigns have looked like


If your family had been the Royal family, what would the reigns have looked like?

Mine: George -1901
William 1901-27
Patrick 1927-76
Me 1976-
Although there would have probably been a civil war in 1901 between the members of George's two families.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Henry -1904
Percy 1904-1918
Norman 1918-1986
David 1986-present
Prince of Wales - Simon
Duke of york -me

King Percy died valiantly leading his country in the first world war. King Norman ascended the throne age 4 Leather. Christopher 1851 - 1917
John 1917 - 1979
John 1979 -2001
Christine 2001 - I am royalty. bernard 1902 from paris--france;; archbold 1902-28 from, ireland;; bernal 1928 1977 from columbia and rosalinda, 1959;;;panama.