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J1 Surnames???

So I'm a J1... and obviously my 'unknown father' was too. Is there a list of J1 surnames anywhere? Perhaps I should start with British J1s and get a short-list of what my surname might be?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is some discussion relating directly to J1 group, as well as notice that there seems to be a rootsweb mail list directly for discussion of DNA and genealogy. From what is said here, it seems unlikely that J1 would be British, even assuming such a "list" existed. I am very skeptical on that, but I have not gotten deeply into the DNA side.
Between the lines, I hear some frustration. Being a 'child' of the sixties, I know that culturally, people were very ready to break through what we saw as stereotypes and limitations, particularly in terms of a more "open" morality (for lack of a more tactful phrase). Sadly, I think many adults today are seeing the harmful side of that. I don't even want to think about the adults of tomorrow. Hello Roux, What is a J1 surname, I've never heard of it before, but I am in the UK, if you could enlighten me I can possibly search for those names for you, hope this helps.