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Tracing parenthood?

I am attempting to trace my mother's heritage and also check that her patriarchal line is accurate as my late grandmother strayed often.
Her name was Alice Marais, then Alice Hulett at her second marriage and Alice Green at her third.
How could I go about doing that?
PS. She was South African and lived there more or less all her life.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Have a look at these sites these are South African ones,

there is also these sites thay may be of interest to you, (completely free)
hope these help. Wow you pose a good one. Have you tried googling her? I don't know if has anything or not. There are a couple of professionals on this list that might answer this for you. I know they might have better resources then I would. You might try googling South African genealogy and see if anything pops up that way. They may not have anything online which will make it real difficult for you.

Good luck As a genealogist, it is always best to start with the most recent, then work back. There are certain facts that you need to find your ancestors, i. e. their full name (maiden for women); date and place of birth; date and place of death: who, when and where they married; and where did they live.

Ask your mother for any info she knows. Have her write it down, that way you can reference back when needed. Once you have the basics you can go back easier.

A good way to find info is through birth, death and marriage certificates, as well as census, tax, land and civil records. I'm from the U.S., so I don't know all the records South Africa has, but many library's can help you with that.

There are many genealogical sites on the web. You just need to search to find the one you can use the best. I have listed a few to help you get started.