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Family Tree Maker 2008 opinions?

What do you experienced people think about FTM 2008. I've been a FTM user since Version 1. I thought it was a supurb program. But I was both shocked and dismayed at the complete makeover they did with FTM 2008. I find it almost unusable. Anyone else have an opinion that has experience with FTM V16 and before?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've gone through all the versions, including V16, and have been very pleased with FTM.

I bought 2008 and realize I've wasted my money, for now at least. I haven't found a way to access my copious footnotes nor a way to even display a family group. I'll keep working with it but I don't believe I'll ever be able to figure it all out since my IQ is only 140!

FTM must have consulted Microsoft on how to take something simple and make a Rubik's cube out of it! lol I bought FTM 5 and Family Origins 6 at the same time, tried them both. I love FOW, which is now Roots Magic. I tossed FTM and never looked back.

But, there are real genealogy boards devoted to FTM. Look on

There is a debate on FTM 2008 in the "Computers - General" category and more on FTM Usage category I've used FTM for years. I had gotten 2005 and ended up tossing it and going back to v9. I'll stick with it and not upgrade again.

Thanks for the input you saved me a headache. I love FTM but don't have the 2008 version and don't plan to get it now that I have seen these comments. I have the 2006 version and have had previous versions and have found FTM to be very useful. Without it, I could not do genealogy.

Have you tried to get a refund from them?