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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can you get personal information on someone in your family tree?


How can you get personal information on someone in your family tree?

I have heard some rumers on my dad's side of the family. I wnat to know how I can find out if they are true or false.

!.) Grandpa had a daughter before going to war. WWll. I can't find any info on her. I know he was divorced before he went to war.

2.) His mother died when he was very young.

3.) We have Apache in our heratige.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Church records contain information about births, deaths, baptisms, etc. and is a good source of information in doing research. Also, the Mormons in Salt Lake City, UT keep records on everyone, so you may want to contact them via the internet and see if they can assist you. Local libraries have a section dedicated to helping people trace their family trees. And, finally, speak to your relatives, friends of family, etc. who may remember names and/or more information in your quest.

Good luck. Source(s):
Cousin researched our family tree and wrote a book on our family (using these techniques) #1. Try requestiing his military records and see if she is listed as the person who got his insurance if he died..
#2. I have no idea what your asking here.. lots of children were raised by family members because one or both parents died..
#3. If you have a male relative who might be native american.. have them Ydna tested to see if they are.. Certain Haplogroups are Native American.. Family Tree DNA website on line.. ask someone in the family who might know about the family