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Where Was I Born?

Some people think they know me, but perhaps they don't know as much about me as they think. So here's a little trivia challenge.....

Where was I born?

1) Boston, Massachusetts
2) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3) Newark, Delaware
4) Camden, New Jersey
5) Belfast, Northern Ireland
6) Dundalk, Ireland
7) Bangor, Wales
8) Carmel, California
9) Cayuga, New York
10) Durham, North Carolina

Naturally, ten points will go to the first correct answer/guess.

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2 days ago
Actually, lillibut.....

Genealogy: 1 : an account of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or from older forms
2 : regular descent of a person, family, or group of organisms from a progenitor or older form : PEDIGREE
3 : the study of family pedigrees
4 : an account of the origin and historical development of something
So, indeed, where one is born DOES have something to do with 'genealogy,' and is particularly pertinent in this instance, as where I live now is not at all where I was born. Aside from that, there really didn't seem to be any other places 'more appropriate' for this question.
Now I'm the first to admit when I'm off, but I'm not here, so if you're not happy with my question, you always retain the option of pounding off somewhere. Regardless, your presence as the resident insipid tit only assures me that even those with no involvement in something get involved just to get attention.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 days ago
Actually, lillibut.....

Genealogy: 1 : an account of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or from older forms
2 : regular descent of a person, family, or group of organisms from a progenitor or older form : PEDIGREE
3 : the study of family pedigrees
4 : an account of the origin and historical development of something
So, indeed, where one is born DOES have something to do with 'genealogy,' and is particularly pertinent in this instance, as where I live now is not at all where I was born. Aside from that, there really didn't seem to be any other places 'more appropriate' for this question.
Now I'm the first to admit when I'm off, but I'm not here, so if you're not happy with my question, you always retain the option of pounding off somewhere. Regardless, your presence as the resident insipid tit only assures me that even those with no involvement in something get involved just to get attention. You were born in a hospital, did I get it right?... if I did, I guess I do know you as much as I think I do... :P

?gabydt8? Source(s):
I'll have to keep my source a secret for this one... 4) Camden, New Jersey Bangor Wales sounds great.. boston massauchessetes I have to guess on this one I know i will get it wrong...3)delaware Amazonis Planitia, Mars Bangor, Wales Earth, some people think they know me, but they only know what I let them know, and some times they struggle with that. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Clearly, it must have been on the far side of the moon, given your social skills. This is NOT a genealogy question--your guessing game might do better on YA Polls and Surveys forum. hmm...i was gonna say 4, but someone already said that. so even if i'm right, i won't get best answer.

so i'll pick what someone else didn't. but then if i'm wrong, i still won't get best answer. but at least i get the 2 points!!!!! woo hoo!!! TWO POINTS!!!

lol...sorry. i was just looking at some of the other answers, and i started wondering why some of these people bothered answering. your question asks where you were born...not if you put it in the right category!

i asked a question one time about chick flicks once and yahoo put it under "gay and lesbian". lol. who the feck cares what category the question ends up in? we all know that yahoo never makes any sense!

"oh noooo! a question in a category that i don't agree with. i will therefore ignore the question entirely and admonish the asker for not having my line of thinking! cos at least i get 2 points!!"

alright...anyway...i'll say #2