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What's YOUR Ancestry?

Hey, I was wondering what kind of ancestries different people have. Me, for example, I'm basically English, German, Greek, and Polish, with some Scottish, Irish, Swiss, and Cherokee added to the mix.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: American Source(s):
z 50 % Hispanic, 25% Native American, White and African Irish- Dad's mother has great irish roots, she 100%.
Scottish- Dad side
Swedish/Norwegian- Motehrs Grandfather was 100%
German- Dad's father i think
English- Moms mom
Canadian- Grandma who was like 50 percent.

My grandma was adopted so she was a whole mix of things. Mostly English, French and Canadian.

other grandma had the last name Kelly. which is a popular irish last anme I think.

So yeah :D I love my roots :') I really have no idea. Heinz variety really.. whatever it is that when you put in the stew... it equals white. Wow! Everyone's ancestry seems so exciting. Mine's so blah. I think I'm just all Chinese. My maternal grandmother is 100% German (she's from Germany); my maternal grandfather is also 100% German but was born in the U.S. My paternal grandmother is probably English, possibly a little German, and who Knows what else; my paternal grandfather is 100% German and born in the U.S.
That makes me about 75% German. I'm mostly German and Irish. The rest is a mix of English, Scottish, and French. That is only on one side of my family (I don't know the other half because of freak accidents and so on). People think I have Native American in me though (my mother's side has some Native American features). Maybe I'll find out...some day :/

My cousin is related to Pocahontas and Thomas Jefferson. I know, it isn't fair. Those roots of his are on his other side of the family (the one that isn't related to me, lol). I'm not related to any neat ancient people...but Nick Mangold is my cousin (my 'other' cousin). I have Irish, Scottish and Native American Indian ancestry. American Pedigree Mutt German and Japanese. No, seriously, I am. 1/2 German,1/4 Irish, 3/16 Scotch-Irish, 1/16 Native - American ( probably Cherokee ) German,Irish, and French-Canadian. Mostly English, German, Scottish, maybe a little Irish, some French, and all those little tiny European countries that nobody's ever heard of. um i dunnno im pretty mixed up too.
english, polish, czech, french and turk/med. French, German and English Scottish, German, Welsh, and English.