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Position:Home>Genealogy> This is the way to find your family.?


This is the way to find your family.?

You start with your mother and Father.
Then all their children on a family group chart*

Then their family, and then their family, record them on a family group cards
Free download family pedigree carts and group carts from

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How about including your grandparents and great grandparents on both sides? You would likely have records of their names and birthdates and dates of death. It would be a more complete record for future generations. Yes we know. we know this but is there another question/point in there somewhere? lol..
you gotta be old enough to understand the phrase "25 words or less and a boxtop".
I'll add two words to your condensed version (which is good)
2. NETWORK It is one way.

The path I took was direct,
then I caught-up with information
on siblings when the trail
got rough, to find supplementary clues.

The direct line is genealogy,
the gathering-the-siblings-too
is family history.

You can go back and forth
between genealogy and family history
depending on the size of the data landslide.

Taking a look at World Connect helps
with seeing the results of other's work. It is a way to start but you must verify those pedigree chartes and group charts.

There are errors in trees on the internet, free or paid. Most of the information is not documented. Even when you see the same information repeatedly from many different submitters on the same person, you can't take it for granted that it is right. People are copying without verifying. No, that is too hard.

You go to, enter your name and they give you a 12-generation pedigree chart with all of your ancestors, a family coat of arms and a family crest for each surname. You get siblings and pictures of each ancestor, too.

Then you get an offer to buy a bridge in Brooklyn for $350 . . .