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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can i find court Marshall records in 1827 Belam Portugal William Wilkins?


Where can i find court Marshall records in 1827 Belam Portugal William Wilkins?

hello all , am researching family histroy, have ship indent , ticket of leave, marriage certifcate., of william wilkins born aprrox 1805 . he came to australia as convict for desertion he is recorded as soldier,boatsmain, labourer. trying to solve the pre 1827 & 1827-1829 details- one of HOdocuments says voyage left 18 nov 1828 , yet i have him registered as leaving London on Lord Melville 11 (first voyage) in 3 jan 1829

any guidnace for the portugal stage deeply apprectited

best wishes to all from claire

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A simple lesson in archiving. All governments have storage issues. To keep local offices from being overwhelmed (or the risk of things being thrown out), government offices send their old records to an archives. In Portugal, all military court records are stored in the National Archives. Here's a great place to start your search for them: Ive looked everywhere for your, cant find anything though.