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What is the spelling of Nepoleon's last name?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: He was born Italian in Corsica Napoleone Buonaparte to Carlo Buonaparte and Maria Letizia Ramolina. Carlo was a descendant of Francesco Buonaparte that came from Florence.

The Republic of Genoa gave Corsica to France in payment of a debt and therefore he obtained French citizenship. He later changed his name to Napoleon Bonaparte.
Even after he became emperor of France, he and his family spoke the Corsican dialect of Italian among themselves. Dynamite? or the other one..... Bonaparte Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte? Yep that's it ! Well, his first name is spelled Napoleon. His last name is spelled Bonaparte. It is pronounced like you are saying "bone apart" except faster.

hope this helps. Bonaparte Napoléon Bonaparte is the most popular spelling, though some sources say it was originally an Italian spelling (Napoleone di Buonaparte) Dynamite or Bonaparte if you are meaning "Napoleon".
Nepoleon, however is the LAST name of Joseph.