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Does anyone know the origin of the Fisher last name?

I would like to know the origin of the Fisher name and anything else I could learm about it.Its my mother's maiden name.I am trying to find out all I can about my heritage.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You have 8 gr grandparents, only ONE of them is a Fisher by birth. Each of the others have a different name, and more importantly, a different heritage. Each generation back, the number doubles.. 16 gr gr, ad infinitum.
Imagine (as analogy) that your gr gr grandfather Fisher moved from (maybe) England, to Spain, and married a girl there whose entire family had been Spanish for a thousand years. From that point, all descendents from this couple remained in Spain, and married persons of full Spanish lineage. YOUR heritage based on this couple is 15/16th Spanish, despite the last name of the children.
Learning about one single name (and it is debatable at that, as to origin and meaning) is TOTALLY different than tracing your ancestry, since your ancestry encompasses all of your ancestors in equal part.
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You are, of course, perfectly free to choose that the definition of a name is all you want. I'd just like to explain how limited that is, in terms of knowing who you come from. Fisher
English: occupational name for a fisherman, Middle English fischer. The name has also been used in Ireland as a loose equivalent of Braden. As an American family name, this has absorbed cognates and names of similar meaning from many other European languages, including German Fischer, Dutch Visser, Hungarian Halász, Italian Pescatore, Polish Rybarz, etc.
In a few cases, the English name may in fact be a topographic name for someone who lived near a fish weir on a river, from the Old English term fisc-gear ‘fish weir’.
Jewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name for a fisherman, Yiddish fisher, German Fischer.
Irish: translation of Gaelic ó Bradáin ‘descendant of Bradán’, a personal name meaning ‘salmon’. See Braden.
Mistranslation of French Poissant, meaning ‘powerful’, but understood as poisson ‘fish’ (see Poisson), and assimilated to the more frequent English name.

Place of
Origin Fisher Immigrants
England 1184
Germany 594
Ireland 352
Scotland 205
Great Britain 183
Preussen 51 Definition: An occupational name from the Old English "fiscare," meaning "fisherman." FISCHER is a common German spelling.

Surname Origin: English,, German