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How many people in your family?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 5. 3 siblings ( M, F, F) 2 parents ( M, F) omg.
Your definition of family is maybe way different than mine. Family includes persons in my family tree, many of whom I met through research who have become really close. Thus, my answer is hundreds. If you talk about who is living in my house, that is me and hubby, but we both have kids/grandkids.
You do know that this got posted in the genealogy area, right? lol I have 4: mom, dad, bro, and me. But my grandparents on my mom's side also live with us so would it be 6? 7 , mum and dad, 4 sisters and me :D thats make 5 girls I have researched our family tree to exceed 1,000 names and their relationship to me. Living at my home: 2~my husband and me
We have a daughter who is married and they have three daughters. We have a son who is unmarried and has no children. I have a brother and a sister,. My sister is divorced and has two children both married. Her daughter has two sons. My brother is married and has two children neither married or parents. I have three living cousins all married. One has no kids. One has a step daughter and step grandson. The third has two living sons, one never married and one divorced with three sons he never gets to see.

How far do you want me to go with this?