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Am I Metis? How do I go about finding out forsure?

I was born in Manitoba, I now live in Saskatchewan. I know that one of my great great grandfathers married a native woman. But not sure how to go about seeing if I am metis, or if I could possibly get my metis card.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is an excellent email list for Metis research via, with some very solid research behind it.

There also is at least one database to collect info about known Metis families.
forgive me if you already have this, but remember that you still need to insure that you have worked your 'basic's, ie from yourself backwards, and have documentation. For many of our ancestors, if there is a marriage (family) from a couple who "married" in the wilderness, it always is possible that the documents did not exist in the first place, or that they have not survived. This is not to say that the knowledge you have is incorrect... it only says that many genealogical facts are not provable by records. If you have solid names and dates, you can compare that to the existing historical records.
I am fairly sure my children have Metis ancestry, but have yet to find the proof. The card is only the slimest of possibilities, even if you prove it. You haven't kept any contact with the community, so they're not quick to issue cards. But if you go back and follow marriage and baptismal records, you'll prove the lineage soon enough. The First Nations members will be listed as "savage" or by tribal name in the Church records. The metis were half french and half native. IF you can trace your line back to a frenchman married to a native woman, then you would be part metis.

Get your parents birth and marriage certificates, your grandparents birth & marriage certificates and your great grandparents birth and marriagecertificates. Baptism certs are ok if there is no birth certificate available. You need them to make your claim.