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Position:Home>Genealogy> Do you have anything on these family names (prior to 1650)?


Do you have anything on these family names (prior to 1650)?

They are: Chartley (prior to 1650), Mendall (prior to 1650), Liggett, Coats, Buckbee, Rowland, and Williston.

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1 week ago
Oops, please disregard the "(prior to 1650)" in the initial question.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
Oops, please disregard the "(prior to 1650)" in the initial question. On
alone, I found this many entries:
Chartley: 358
Mendall: 1,635
Liggett: 9,718
Coats: 39,644

I stopped because I wanted you to have some of the fun.

The resolved questions, especially those from the top 5 or 6 answerers, are full of links and tips. There are 250,000 other genealogy sites on the WWW.