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How can you find out if ur girl is a virgin?

what do you look for, how do you ask the question. can you tell from the panties. Please I need to know.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Definitely the wrong area for this question. But since it's here, if you NEED to know, you are flat out of luck. There is in fact no way to positively determine this. There are some things, a few have been mentioned in other answers, that might add a little more probability one way or the other, but that's all...a little more probability. Basically you are stuck with just asking her, then believing in whatever answer is given. If you can't ask, or you can't believe the answer - I'm not sure why you NEED to know as it is seems that much more important issues exist in this relationship. If you are not comfortable asking her, it is not your business yet to know.

If you are asking because you see blood, that is not an indication, since women bleed every month. There is no way to know.
Girls sometimes rupture their hymen accidentally(pop their cherry) and sometimes they don't have one at all.
If her hymen hasn't broken then there will be a little blood after intercourse and it will hurt her probably. But again there is no guarantee. The best thing you can do is to trust her. I think if the girl tells you, you will know! When you are first with her you should be able to tell if it hurts her. Wrong category. Go to something constructive you horny little degenerate. One sure way to tell, "Rice Crispies" (Snap, Crackle and POP) LOL You asked about college books in an earlier question, but you cannot possibly be a college student asking this question.

You sound as if you are too young for this site, you certainly need to take a basic human sexuality course, or read a few books.

You cannot tell, there is no way to tell, doctors cannot even tell. If you do not trust that your girlfriend is a virgin, when she tells you that she is: she does not need you as a boyfriend.

There are many other important things in life to be thinking about.

Please educate yourself... have a good day. You can ask her, but I don't think you are ready for this kind of relationship. Ask her. Why would you care anyway. If SHE feels it necessary to tell you SHE will tell you. Wrong thread by the way.