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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can i but old records?


Where can i but old records?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you're asking this in the genealogy section, do you mean old birth, marriage and death records? Or do you mean vinyl records and this is in the wrong section? flea markets.... rummage sales .. advertise in the newspaper EBay, collectible shops, and even old relatives. What kind of records are you looking for. You need to be more specific so that we can help you. Blueberry Hill in St Louis

...or any rummage sale in a senior citizen's neighborhood. The automatic category finder thought you meant old birth, death and marriage records. I suspect you meant old 33 rpm LP's.

You could post again in one of the music or mechandise categories.

Most large cities - 500,000 or more in population - have old record shops. If you live close to one, consult the yellow pages and go on a shopping safari. If not, there are Internet companies that specialize in vintage LP's. Google that term and see what you get. You might add a genre, such as "rock and roll" or "big band".

Best of luck in your quest!