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Position:Home>Genealogy> Has Andrew Kolonicki died since 1940?


Has Andrew Kolonicki died since 1940?

He lived in USA.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:;...
According to this, only ONE person with this name/spelling, ever immigrated. However... this conclusion only comes from the NY passenger lists, so that is not conclusive. And no guarantee that this one person is your Andrew.
Another index mentioned (social security death index) does not start until the early 1960's, so if he died between 1940-1960, he won't appear on that file. That means if he died in that time frame, he may easily be on a state death file, but not all of those are online or indexed. does have living persons of this name listed, in Conneticut. I can't post those here, for ethical reasons... you could try to reach them to see if they are related to him or not. Much will depend on the details you know about him, such as his estimated birth date, so forth. One of these named is shown as being about 94 yrs old at this time.
Good luck..
edit... both the listings from CT now show as deceased. I can't be sure if they had children or not. Need more info in order to help you He isn't on

Without a state I can't help any further.