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Position:Home>Genealogy> I'm researching my family tree.Looking for details on the Hayter name living in


I'm researching my family tree.Looking for details on the Hayter name living in Brook on the Isle of wight

The time is around the 1700-1800 but any info before or after is great.Any info would be good also on a 1 Myrtle Cottage that is in Brook and was their family home for years.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I found the following Hayter family living at "Farm House" in Brook at the 1861 census:

John Hayter (born 1803, farmer)
Hannah (wife, born 1804)
John (son, born 1837, fisherman)
Elizabeth (daughter, born 1840)
Mary (daughter, born 1839)
William (son, born 1843, carrier)

There is also a Richard Hayter (born 1800, blacksmith) living in a cottage on the farm.

They were all born in Brook apart from Hannah who was born in Godshill, IoW.

At the 1871 census the family had moved out of the farmhouse into a cottage, and had been joined by another son, Robert, and a grandson, Arthur.

Sorry can't do any more research on this for you - I'll get the sack!

But good luck - and I hope this helps a little.