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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I find records of relatives from before they immigrated from Russia/Ukra


How can I find records of relatives from before they immigrated from Russia/Ukraine - pre 1925?

I want to find the records from what was Krasilow, Russia (now the Ukraine) and find even earlier relatives, if possible. Since I don't speak Russian, I would like to find these records in English. Rootsweb and have been of limited help with this. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A popular myth is that records from eastern Europe were destoyed in the war. Luckily, most of the records survived the two world wars. Unfortunately, none are in English. Most likely, the records will be in Russian.

If the village you're talking about is Krasilov, Khmel??nyts??kyy, Ukraine, check a gazeteer such as the "Slownik Geograficny Krolestwa Polskiego" and find out where the parish church or synagogue was located. Once you find the name of the village where the church or synagogue was located, you can check the Family History Library catalog online and see if the records have been microfilmed.