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Position:Home>Genealogy> This is for whoever has found their birth parents or searching. Can Birth dates


This is for whoever has found their birth parents or searching. Can Birth dates and places of birth be altered

I was born in Poughkeepsie on July 2 1969 name at birth Lisa Michelle Val(Vall,Valls,Vail.Vahl)peopl... with time change their ID to hide their mistakes)My mother at the time of my birth was 31yrs old, married,and 4kids, supposely she had an affair with a guy from PR who fooled her, and here I am.On there is a lady looking for her daughter born in July 4 1969,she was born in Syracuse,and named her baby Michelle Marie Harding now. my question. can birth certificates be altered to hide the ID of adoptee?My adopted mother changed my birth name,why not my birth date and place of birth. and on top Syracuse and Poughkeepsie NY. are very close.If anybody knows something email me

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Chaiotic,

It is common in an adoption to change the name of the child. I have 2 adopted kids, and they offered us to change their names. We changed their last name so we feel like a family, but they know where the come from.

Here are some sites where you can order birth certificates, and look up about adoptions.