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Position:Home>Genealogy> Thennis, Langford, South Dakota?


Thennis, Langford, South Dakota?

Just found genealogy questions. So the name Thennis, Heinz or Peterson in the same town.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Gupeter,

You should form your question so we can give a really good answer. I will assume that you need to know about the surnames you mentioned. I suggest GENFORUM and FAMILY SEARCH for your Genealogy answers. Below I did a little work where you can click on the sites and find people with the same surname (last names).

If you are looking for living people, use the white pages listed last below. It sometimes helps, but the people have to be listed.

At Genforum, you can read about what other people have found, or are looking for. You can also post a question yourself.