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Position:Home>Genealogy> If your mom is from Poland and your dad from America?


If your mom is from Poland and your dad from America?

And you have never been to Poland, never meet anyone on your mom family side and the polish that you know is what you taught yourself.
What would you do if your mom was living there because your parents divorced?But that land and that side of your family is total foreign to you?And you have not seen your mom in three years.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You have three options:

1) Go to Poland for a summer. You can get to know new people, practice your Polish and see your mom.
2) Ask your mom to come visit you, or go on holiday somewhere together.
3) Deal with it and live without her.

Those are you only three options, and Poland is not nearly as foreign as say, Malaysia. At least the culture is more similar. I suggest you study your Polish and spend a summer abroad. But then, I'd be keen on traveling anywhere.