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Position:Home>Genealogy> I'm looking for my cousin in America. Can anyone help please.?


I'm looking for my cousin in America. Can anyone help please.?

We Lost touch a long time ago I think she lives in either Boulder or Boysey Idaho? Sorry if the spellings wrong! She is about 52 years old and has 2 sons, Justin and David. Her name is Lorraine Walton.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: there is no justin, david or lorraine in the current boise phone book.
boise has grown considerably in the last 20 years.
kuna, meridian star, nampa and caldwell are all in the same area.
mountain home is further east but there is a lorren there. number is 208 580 1195
it is possible this person is in the air force.
there are 16 possible male names in the same directory that could be her spouse.
boulder is in colorado. the area code for denver is 303 and it might be the same for boulder. boulder is in the denver metro area.
hope this is some help