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DNA testing for world ethnicity information?

Does anyone know the best place to go, to get a dna test to determine your 'ethnic' make up, like they did in the channel 4 programme 100% English. There are various sites I have found but dont really understand what I am looking for. I dont want results which come through as a big long list of numbers and 'markers', I would like an analysis of the dna to say,, you're this percentage african or this percentage european etc etc and would like it broken down as much as possible.
Has anyone had this done and did they understand the results ok?
Does anyone know whether the tests are accurate or not.
I am located in London if that makes any difference to whats available.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You are so right. Most of these testing companies give you a hodge podge of complicated numbers and double talk explanations.

I think you saw the AncestryByDNA company in the UK.

It provides you with a simple and objective description of your ancestral origins. The ethnicity test gives you an estimated percentage of ancestry from the four major historical population groups (races).