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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where was my father born, his date of birth, was he adopted?


Where was my father born, his date of birth, was he adopted?

His name now is Arthur Reid, his date of birth is believed to be 18/5/1921, and believed to be born around Grafton,NSW. He believes he is catholic because he rembers going to a lot of Catholic schools around that district. He left NSW and came to Queensland when he was very young by himself. Can you help please.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hi--i do geneology but i dont do it with documents--in this case this is the only way you will know the truth..first of all i did this very fast--so pleas leave room for error.
chas ronald reed i beive is his fathers name--Mary Anne Longstreet (married name was Bostworth at the time of his birth)
not born in NSW but in London at home--no hospital records. his mother had serious mental problems and was not allowed to raise him--the last time she saw him he was 4 yrs. old. he does know his correct birth date--she says.
the man who raised you was mary annes boyfriend and he figured he was your father.--and he may have a differnt name as a nic-name.--both are deceased and i was able to talk to them. the man said he named you Charles and called you RODDY
i hope i have been of some help tp you--iam sorry that i cannot document what i have here--but i can tell you that i have done this before--especially for people who have been adopted and have no clue about thier real parents.--now, i did this pretty fast and most of the time i take days to make sure of all i say is true--so you must also keep this in mind--and forgive any mistakes on my part.