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How do you draw a family tree?

what do you draw on a 3D poster with a family tree in the middle?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You're new. If you allowed email contact in your profile, I'd have emailed you a fairly typical family tree.

What most people call a "family tree" is actually an "ancestry tree" showing all of your ancestors going up in an expanding shape like a tree. You would be the trunk of the tree.

There is actually another chart like it in genealogy called a "descendent tree" which is maybe what your grandmother would do right now. Think of it like the roots of the tree, going down and spreading out. First come your kids, then your grandkids, and so on.

As for your poster, I'd suggest you draw a tree and put people on it. You can use photos (which looks great) or boxes with their name and dates, people cut outs from magazines with a name on it. The other things that are fun to put on a poster like that are country maps (where your family came from), flags, coats of arms (look them up on the internet)....