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Position:Home>Genealogy> Trying to find birth records for a person born in scotland around 1880 how do i


Trying to find birth records for a person born in scotland around 1880 how do i find any information?

we have the name of the person ,and rough whereabouts of birth but lttle else ,any pointers to get us started would be much appreciated

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: has very poor Scottish coverage, and FamilySearch's set of records for Scotland only tend to reach as recently as around 1875, so I would try ScotlandsPeople, the official government genealogy website. You can pay as you go, no subscription is required, and you get actual images of certificates and census records.
The best strategy would be to use the site to first of all search the 1881 census to see if your ancestor appears in that as a child, then take it from there. Failing that, a birth search should find them.