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How hard is it to change your name?

My great grandfather changed his name after moving over from Italy and I've always wanted to change it back.

How much of a hassle is it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In the USA you can do it "by use", as opposed to "by court", just by doing it. Women do it all the time; Miss Paige Turner marries Don Brakes and changes her name to Mrs. "Paige Breaks". So long as you don't try to defraud anyone it is legal. (You cannot, for instance, change your name from Jose Lopez to Lars Olafsen and apply for a Sons of Norway scholarship. You still have to pay the credit card bills you ran up under the old name.)

Call the DMV and ask them what is involved. Look up a book on changing your name at the library. Once you get a driver's license with the new name, th ecrdit cards, library cards and phone bill will be easy. Just tell them you did it legally.